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Agatha Fatmawati Febriana
Weli Weli


IT Governance, COBIT, Universitas, Pemerintah


In line with the increasing use of information technology devices, organizations
need to implement information technology strategies that are appropriate to
organizational goals. Likewise, the use of information technology for business
processes in the education industry needs to adopt information technology
governance. This research aims to analyze the implementation of information
technology governance using the COBIT 4.1 framework. The subject of this
research is the Catholic University of Indonesia Atma Jaya Jakarta. Data
collection was carried out by survey method using a questionnaire aimed at
information technology managers and several core users in several units.
Descriptive analysis results found that the conditions of information technology
governance and implementation at Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia
are at level 3 using a scale of 0 to 5. This result means that the institution has a
proper procedure and communicate the document. This research contributes to
research related to the application of information technology governance,
especially for educational institutions, as well as information technology
managers as input in managing information technology resources in related
institutions.information technology resources in related institutions.

Abstract 1280 | PDF Downloads 0


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