Farmers’ Strategies for Maintaining Traditional Unproductive Systems of Unprofitable Rice Farming (Case Study in Lembang Sarapeang, Rembon District, Tana Toraja Regency)

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Daniel Pakiding
Abner Tahendrika


hilly land, rice, traditional system, unproductive paddy fields


This study aims to investigate the strategies of farmers who maintain traditional systems in cultivating unproductive or unprofitable paddy fields because the land is hilly. The data collection technique used in this study was a field research method using in-depth interviews with 15 informants. The analytical method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive analysis using the SWOT analysis method. The results showed that the farmer's strategy was to maintain the traditional system of paddy rice farming, because conventional equipment is suitable for cultivating relatively small paddy fields because the land is hilly, and these tools are cheap and easy to find in the market. And there are still farmers who believe there are spirits who can protect the environment by not cutting trees carelessly and burning them. Can arouse mutual respect and cooperation, arouse a sense of concern for each other, and uphold brotherly relations. Farmers are very proud if there is always rice stored in the barn, if the rice or unhusked rice stored in the barn is sufficient if there is a ceremony for signs of tuka' and signs for solo'. Weaknesses faced by farmers such as cooperation that has begun to diminish, advances in modern technology, and changing times can change the mindset of farmers. Opportunities that farmers can take advantage of are conserving the environment by not cutting trees carelessly and burning them, besides being cheap, traditional equipment is easily available in the market compared to modern technology, because the existence of the 'tuka' and solo signs' ceremonies can attract both local and foreign tourists. The government must support local wisdom as an asset to the nation and state. Threats that may arise include poverty, the conversion of paddy fields, the success of modern technology, and changing times that can change the mindset of farmers.

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