Identification of Business Opportunity in Provision the Sustainability of Rammang-Rammang Karst Tourism in South Sulawesi, Indonesia

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Hendrikus Kadang
Beauty Gosal
Johanis Panggeso
Uli Urbanus Bubun
Kardison Lumban Batu


Business Opportunity, Sustainability of Destination, Cross Case Analysis


Business opportunities around destinations are very promising for business people, both business people who have existed so far and beginners. On the other hand, tourist destinations will be sustainable if they are supported by all related aspects including businesses that have the opportunity to run around the destination location. However, the question is what businesses have the opportunity to support the sustainability of these destinations, especially in the Rammang-Rammang karst tourism, South Sulawesi of Indonesia? The purpose of this study is to identify relevant business opportunities to support the sustainability of Rammang-Rammang karst tourism in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. An exploratory design with data collection methods through interviews was carried out to achieve the research objectives. There were as many as 12 participants who were interviewed using a semi-structured interview technique. Data from interviews in the form of recordings were first transcribed and then prepared for analysis using thematic analysis techniques through the help of cross case analysis. The results show that there are eight types of business opportunities that can support sustainable tourism, namely hotel and lodging business, shop and souvenir business, restaurant and traditional food business, travel and tour guide, transportation and boat rental, event organizer, digital village, CHSE (Cleanliness, Health, Safety, and Environment Sustainability). The results of this study have shortcomings because of the limited time to interview participants during of pandemy of Covid-19 and provide an opportunity for puture research to elaborate a wider category of participants or could be by conducting a different kind of research design such confirmatory study.

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