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Tenriwaru Tenriwaru
Amiruddin Amiruddin


CSR, Epistemologi Bourdieu, Kapitalisme


The science of accounting that is currently practiced goes hand in hand with the understanding of capitalism which is only oriented towards material profit, has contributed to destroying the balance of life by excessively stimulating the development of human economic potential which does not contribute to increasing their prosperity but instead makes them experience a decline in social conditions. The principle of capitalism run by accounting science has proven to exploit nature and damage the ecological balance

It has become a logical causation if then the company must take responsibility for all direct and indirect consequences of the company's operations. The company must make donations to those who are sick as a result of being affected by the company's operations; the company must think deeply about how to reduce it so that the negative impact caused by the company's operations is minimized; Companies must also think about how to restore the world's ecological imbalances caused by company operations to their original state.

Bourdieu's epistemology is used to analyze how the relationship between structures and agents work together in carrying out social responsibility (CSR) and its implementation which is still capitalistically oriented.

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