New Manager Policy

Jurnal Sistem Informasi, Manajemen, dan Akuntansi (SIMAK) Since 28 May 2020 applies a journal publication fee policy for all articles received. The publication fee is set at Rp.500,000 per article title. This payment is made in two stages, the first stage is Rp.200,000.00 and the second stage is Rp.300,000.00. The details of payment of publication fees are as follows:

The first stage of Rp.200,000.00 was paid by the author before the Letter of Submission (LOS) was issued. Payment is expected within 5 days after the author receives information via email from the Journal Manager. The Journal Manager will send a Letter of Submission (LOS) after receiving payment confirmation from the author.

The second phase of Rp.300,000.00 is paid by the author when the author receives an email from the Journal manager related to the results of the review stating that the article has passed the review process and is ready to be published. The Journal Manager will then send a Letter of Acceptance (LOA) after receiving confirmation of the second tranche of payment.