Creative Economic Base on Green Economic at Ecotourism Village Ramang-Ramang Maros South Celebes

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Sry Wahyuni
Ade Damayanti


Creative Economy, Green Economic, Ecotourism, Ramang-ramang


This study aims to provide an overview of the green economy-based creative
economy in the Ramang-Ramang Tourism Village, Maros district, South Sulawesi. The
existence of a tourist object has an impact on people's lives in the area of the tourist object.
Both from an environmental, economic, and cultural point of view. Ecotourism is a special
interest tourism concept that combines tourism and environmental preservation as well as
community economic empowerment. This research was conducted using a qualitative
approach with a case study research design with a unit of analysis of Creative Economy Actors
in the Ramang-Ramang Tourism Village, Maros Regency, South Sulawesi. The technique that
will be used to find informants is the snowballing sampling technique. Data was collected by
observation, interview, and documentation techniques with the researcher as the instrument.
The results of this study indicate that there are three sub-sectors of the creative economy
that are run in the Ramang-Ramang tourist village, namely, Culinary, Kraft and Performing
Arts. These three sub-sectors have experienced a lot of development and have become one
of the pillars that support the existence of the Ramang-Ramang tourism village. Apart from
encouraging the economic welfare of the community, the green economy concept applied in
the Ramang-Ramang tourist village is also an effort to preserve the environment.

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